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Quality becomes steel supporting variety structure adjustment
Public Time:2008-04-29 | Sort:Industry dynamics | Hits:2955

In steel industry under the state council after plan to reinvigorate get through, as an important measures of steel industry adjust and revitalize the planning rules also officially released. As steel industry comprehensive measures of action, rules in the next three years in China clearly and steel industry adjust the revitalization of the planning goals, key task, policy measures, etc. In China's steel industry of adjustment and the revitalization of the eight key task, article 6 adjusted for steel product structure, improve the quality of products. Again product quality in the steel industry development is the important position.

According to understand, according to the requirements, our detailed rules and steel industry adjust the industrial structure, improve product quality, the key point is the important task of high-speed railway development with steel, high strength steel, high-grade car work with steel and power tool, special big key steel forging materials species, support conditional enterprises, scientific research units in the thermal and nuclear power 1000mw with special thick plate and high pressure boiler tube, 25 million kva transformer used high above magnetotactic low iron loss for tackling grain-oriented silicon steel technology. Improve the authentication standard, strengthen policy guidance and promote the steel product quality achieved the international advanced level. Update relevant design specification, eliminate intensity 335 mpa and the following hot-rolled ribbed bars promote the use of strength, speed up more than 400 mpa and reinforced, promoting the upgrade of architectural steel.

"Should say steel industry adjust and revitalize the planning rules from long-term consider more, similar to a steel industry policy). This policy is to change the current situation of steel demand fell sharply in the short term, thus promoting effect on steel industry does not significantly, but the long term, this from a planning should to promote industry structure adjustment and enhance competitiveness have certain effect." Famous steel industry body analysis "I steel" analysts had section wins said.

Steel, which is known as the industrial food in the national economy has the important position. After many years development, China is already after steel superpower, but big but not strong. Since 1996, already continuous steel production in China ranks the first in more than 10 years. Meanwhile, China's steel production is still focus on energy-intensive, low value-added products, part of high value-added steel still rely on imports. In 2008 China 5923 tons, steel total export amount of total export for 634 billion dollars; Cumulative steel imports, the cumulative amount of 1543 tons for $234 import, the average steel imports more than 40% higher than export steel.

Experts say, the product quality is the most important factor of steel imports, especially part metal products is mainly used in machinery, electronics and automobile manufacture, end users to this part of the product quality requirement is very strict, such as product stability, strength, heat-resistant, wear-resisting, etc detection harsh. In order to avoid product quality defects which leads to serious consequences, steel processing enterprise also had to adopt high import steel.

Industry insiders point in China in recent years, domestic steel production and processing technology achieved significant progress, many originally not dependence on imported products production, can now be production, and product quality gradually recognized by the domestic and international customers. But, because these a few years steel market is thriving, iron and steel enterprise often only pursue output, don't pay attention to product quality and production technology innovation and development, even for market demands exceeds supply products, more is imitation, not development. Plus steel enterprises in developed countries in technology and equipment for growing cautious, transfer of key equipment and technology very confidential. In the present in the steel imports, still a 50% share of is due to domestic steel enterprise temporarily production, or production capacity of a shortage.

Chinese steel industry association, anshan group manager Mr Zhang said China's enterprises, the financial crisis impact, but also give China's steel industry development brings opportunities. The development of steel industry should not be again with scale expansion is given priority to, but based on improving quality, adjusting the economic structure is given priority to, including layout, product, organization structure adjustment. At the same time, increase the production ability and backward production ability unifies, especially to increase the productivity of backward efforts, to be able to produce such as BMW and Mercedes needed to world first-class enterprise of high quality steel.

"At present our country steel imports nearly half of total domestic temporarily difficult to production is irreplaceable, inside short time. Another most from the technical level.he can replace, but its influence is relatively complex, both policy factor, have Chinese steel industry and downstream processing industry, the influence of the soft power of its domestic steel alternative needs a process, and is not open-ended." Once section wins said.

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